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The Answer.                                                Where are you from, Why are you here, How long will you be here, What's your name, How do you like it here, Where are you from originally... It doesn't matter what country I'm in, the questions are almost always the same. Home is where the heart is... where is it? Like a crab in its shell, your body is home to your heart. It's cradled in your chest, safeguarded by your rib cages yet you wouldn't call yourself home, would you? When we think of home, the first thing that generally comes to mind is the place you grew up. But when you've lived in many contrasting places it gets a bit complicated to explain, and becomes a bit of a dreaded question. First of all people, more often than not, find it hard to pronounce my name. So lets just skip that repetitive answer. I've been in Malaysia a little under a month now, and in all honesty, It's alright. I guess that&#

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